
Qionghai Bo'ao’s Airport Master Plan Approved

2013-8-29 16:53

琼海博鳌机场定位为小型(支线)机场,其主要服务功能包括地方旅游、公务商务活动和为参加博鳌亚洲论坛会议的国内外政要提供航空运输保障,建成后可起降波音737-800 和空客A320等客机和公务机、专机。

总体规划是琼海博鳌机场建设发展的纲领性文件,明确了机场各发展阶段建设任务。此次规划以2020 年为 近期规划目标年,满足旅客吞吐量48万人,货邮吞吐量1440 吨,飞机起降4923 架次,飞行区等级指标为4C;以2040 年为远期目标年,满足旅客吞吐量350 万人,货邮吞吐量2.6 万吨,飞机起降34526 架次,飞行区等级指标为4D。


A written reply was issued jointly by the Central and Southern Regional Administrations of the CAAC, along with the Qionghai Municipal Government, to Hainan's Qionghai Bo'ao Airport, signifying the formal approval for their construction phase of that airport’s Master Plan.

Qionghai Bo'ao Airport is being designed as a regional airport for the primary purpose of serving the local tourism, official and business activities, and the transportation of local and international politicians. That airport is expected to have the capabilities of receiving business jets and other types of small aircraft, as well as larger aircraft such as the Boeing 737-800s, and the Airbus A320s.

The Master Plan of Qionghai Bo'ao Airport is the legal document that lays out the program for the future timing stages of that airport, and the specifications for all of the various tasks to be performed. The year 2020 is the short term annual goal for that airport, by which time they expect to be capable of accommodating 480 thousand passengers, processing 1,440 tons of cargo and mail, scheduling 4,900 flight sorties, and operating under a 4C airport reference code. The year 2040 is their long term annual goal, by which time they expect to be capable of accommodating 3.5 million passengers, processing 26 thousand tons of cargo and mail, scheduling 34,500 flight sorties, and improving their airport reference code to 4D.

Completion of the Bo'ao Airport is expected to provide improvements to Hainan's airport system, East Hainan's integrated transportation system, Hainan's tourism industry, local economy, and social developments. It is also expected to contribute further support of the Bo'ao Asia Forum, and to expedite the overall development of the Business Aviation Industry.



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